Samstag, 26. September 2015

Try something New: Aquafaba + vegan Mousse au Chocolat


Have you ever heard of AQUAFABA?
No? Same with me, until I made this delicious Mousse au chocolate... vegan!

But what is Aquafaba?
It's just a smart name for something really simple: the liquid that comes with a cane of chickpeas. Simple, isn't it?

So what can you do with Aquafaba?
Well, they say it works like egg whites. So you can make vegan meringue. Now you can easily make vegan Macarons or Mousse au Chocolat or whatever you needed egg whites for in your non-vegan life ;) And this is what I did: delicious vegan Mousse au Chocolat!

This is what you need (really just a few things):
  • liquid of 1 can of chickpeas (125ml or 1/2 cup)
  • 100 grams dark chocolate
  • 1-2 tablespoon of your preferred sweetener
  • a pinch of salt
And this is how you turn this strange fluid with the funny name into really tasty, fluffy Mousse au Chocolate:
  1. Gently melt the chocolate, then take the bowl off the heat and allow it to cool down while you do the next step
  2. Now beat the liquid of your chickpeas, use an electric whisk - this might take up to 20 minutes or even more - when you have created a meringue, add you sweetener and the salt, and whisk for another 15 seconds
  3. Finally you add the melted chocolate and stir everything again until well combined
  4. Fill you vegan Mousse au Chocolat in glasses or bowls and eat it right away or place it in the fridge
Bon Appetit!

*Personal experience*:
Personal, I whisked the fluid for literally 30 minutes and it didn't become like meringue but it had a consistence similar to yoghurt (hope you get what I mean ;D) and I didn't feel like I would make any progress, so I just added the chocolate and it turned out really good!!
It wasn't like real Mousse au Chocolat - you know, not as fluffy as the real treat...
But I will definitely try it again!
But anyway, my Mousse au Chocolat was a little bit "thicker" but really tasty! And you would never think of chickpeas, eating this sweet treat ;)

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